Medical Weight Loss
One of the most crucial yet challenging aspects of health is achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. You no longer have to rely solely on food and exercise to achieve your goals thanks to ground-breaking new drugs like semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro). Using a customized medicine regimen, together with health and weight-loss counseling, we'll work with you to achieve your weight-loss goals faster than you could have ever imagined, whether you want to drop 10 pounds or more than 100! You'll get a personal, committed medical provider to guide you toward your objectives!
During your first visit, your provider will review your medical history and health goals. If medication is prescribed, it will be sent directly to your home!
Don’t put it off any longer, find out if Medical Weight Loss is right for you with a Complimentary Consultation!
GLP-1 injection (Wegovy®, Ozympic®, Rybelsus®/ /Semaglutide)
Sermorelin Injection
Lipo-C (MIC) Injections
Injectable L Carnitine
Vitamin B-12 Injections
Health and Wellness Coaching
Weight Loss Program Fees
Complimentary Consultation ($50 no-show)
Concierge Medicine Visits: $75
GLP-1 Monthly Membership: $350
Sermorelin Monthly Membership: Starting at $199
Lipo-C (MIC): $179
Injectable L-carnitine: $179
Vitamin B-12 Injection: $108
Fat Loss Injection Fees
Kybella: $750 per vial. Kybella is a non-surgical treatment that uses deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that helps break down fat, to treat stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, including the stomach, bra fat, and knees. Kybella is the only FDA-approved form of injectable deoxycholic acid. (price based on the amount of solution used; average patient needs at least two vials per treatment)
*The fee for these programs encompasses the comprehensive services provided by our dedicated team, which includes personalized support throughout your treatment journey as well as medications, supplies & shipping if prescribed.
Our Services
Schedule your FREE virtual consultation today to find the right Weight Loss or Testosterone Replacement Therapy treatment plan for you with a board-certified provider.
*Must reside in North Carolina, Virginia or Colorado
Here’s what we specialize in ↓