Testosterone Therapy 

It may not be normal aging that is making you feel sluggish! It is estimated that 4-5 million men suffer from Low T, and only about 10% know it! Women can also have Low T.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics. Hormones are chemical messengers that trigger necessary changes in the body. Females also produce testosterone, usually in smaller amounts. TRT helps to restore some affected functions of low testosterone.

What are the symptoms of low Testosterone?

  • Drop in sex drive (libido)

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED- inability to get or keep an erection) and loss of spontaneous erections

  • Lowered sperm count and infertility (inability to have children)

  • Breast enlargement or tenderness

  • Reduced energy

  • Reduced muscle mass

  • Shrinkage of testes

  • Increased irritability, inability to concentrate, and depressed mood

  • Hot flashes (when testosterone levels are very low)

Find out if you are suffering from an easily correctable imbalance of hormones today with a complimentary consultation!

Labs are required to start TRT. Patients may provide recent lab results; our provider will review them at no charge or write an order to obtain labs before starting.

Follow-up lab testing to assess your response to treatment will be required 6 weeks into the program and every 6 months thereafter.

*The fee for these programs encompasses the comprehensive services provided by our dedicated team, which includes personalized support throughout your treatment journey as well as medications, supplies & shipping if prescribed.

Our Services

Schedule your FREE virtual consultation today to find the right Weight Loss or Testosterone Replacement Therapy treatment plan for you with a board-certified provider.

*Must reside in North Carolina, Virginia or Colorado

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